my profession

 Hello friends, I would like to tell you about my experience studying psychology. I study at the university of Chile, it is a very good university in the field of psychology, I still don't know what it will be like to study inside a room at that university, I've been studying there for 2 years, but I don't know how it will feel to be inside that university or from a university. Studying virtually for me is a bit boring, since I really like to share with people and the pandemic deprives me of sharing with people. As for the subject, I have heard that it is not so different in a virtual way to how it is in person, but I still could not tell you from my part how it is, because I have not lived it. I hope it doesn't change much, since I would like to be a great psychologist, and for that I need a lot of theory. regards


  1. I also miss interacting with people :( You will be a great professional!

  2. Gressly, good work. However, you need to write the minimum number of words or above them. You have only 164 words


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