Changes to my study programme

 I really like my university, I feel that compared to others it is much better, in terms of system and organization. I am happy to study here, however, there are things that I would change. As for example statistics, what I would do is put this branch in 4 years since it is essential to do the thesis and having it in 1 and second is a bit fome, since we will not be able to remember well at the time of the thesis. Another thing that I do not like about my university is that they have not given me CFG or cultural artistic when I have asked for it and I do not want these bouquets to accumulate. Personally, I do not know the university, I just went to enroll and the only thing I can rescue is that it is very large, apparently from the front. I personally like online classes because I don't have to go out of my way and pay rent or food in Santiago. I feel like it's easier just to pay for the internet. I do not think it is necessary to have an Apple computer to study a cheap one is enough. What I hate is that in a single branch they record capsules, take classes and send texts. I think it is an excess, I feel that it must be either capsule or text but not both. Another thing that discourages me is that they send 3 texts per class, I think it is a bad method since students fall behind and many of us do not pick up the thread again out of frustration, that is what happened to me. Theories and Systems is a very conscientious branch along with social psychology, they are my favorite branches because they put themselves in the place of the student. I hope you liked my blog greetings.


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