
Thank you english blog for the space

I think it is an excellent blog that we have to do now. I love expressing myself about this, because it de-stresses me. For someone like me, English is difficult, first because I come from a public school where they did not familiarize me with English until first grade, and secondly because no one in my family has English studies, nor studies in general. I have many classmates who have parents who are teachers of English, they live with the language every day, I would like to have that, but I was not lucky. I don't like going to English classes because it is difficult for me to understand what the teacher says and that frustrates me, and I am ashamed to say that I do not understand anything, because I am at a fairly advanced level, and it has only been through effort but I still do not understand a lot of. I would like the teacher to talk more about the evaluations, such as, for example, what the oral evaluation of English will be about. To be able to prepare words to use. However,...

Changes to my study programme

 I really like my university, I feel that compared to others it is much better, in terms of system and organization. I am happy to study here, however, there are things that I would change. As for example statistics, what I would do is put this branch in 4 years since it is essential to do the thesis and having it in 1 and second is a bit fome, since we will not be able to remember well at the time of the thesis. Another thing that I do not like about my university is that they have not given me CFG or cultural artistic when I have asked for it and I do not want these bouquets to accumulate. Personally, I do not know the university, I just went to enroll and the only thing I can rescue is that it is very large, apparently from the front. I personally like online classes because I don't have to go out of my way and pay rent or food in Santiago. I feel like it's easier just to pay for the internet. I do not think it is necessary to have an Apple computer to study a cheap one is e...

posttgraduate studies

I would like to study something related to forensic or judicial psychology. I would very much like to specialize in these fields abroad. I want to dedicate myself to this area, because I like topics related to crime and the investigative police and I believe that if I specialize in forensic or judicial, I will be able to work with the investigative police. I would like to go in person to study abroad, especially in the United States to be able to reinforce my English and learn more about its culture. Psychology is a beautiful discipline, and when I gain more knowledge about it I want to teach everyone around me so that they can learn things like emotional independence or things related to it. Going abroad and reinforcing my English will help me to read books in English and thus be able to access more advanced studies in psychology, since everything comes first in English.

My Favorite Job

 I want to work on what I am studying, psychology. I would like to specialize in forensic psychology or legal psychology. I don't really care if it's outdoors or not, although I would like to work in a jail. I imagine that for a person who is in jail, his biggest dream should be to get out, working there I will be able to feel the excitement of getting out, and the adrenaline that it must be to be inside a place as horrible as that, however I will not stay there forever. I would like to visit different jails in the country, and visit different realities, I would like to work in a sename or visualize the experiences of women in a brothel. Serious problems have always caught my attention, and fixing them fascinates me. I would like to have a salary of at least 1,500,000 pesos.

my profession

 Hello friends, I would like to tell you about my experience studying psychology. I study at the university of Chile, it is a very good university in the field of psychology, I still don't know what it will be like to study inside a room at that university, I've been studying there for 2 years, but I don't know how it will feel to be inside that university or from a university. Studying virtually for me is a bit boring, since I really like to share with people and the pandemic deprives me of sharing with people. As for the subject, I have heard that it is not so different in a virtual way to how it is in person, but I still could not tell you from my part how it is, because I have not lived it. I hope it doesn't change much, since I would like to be a great psychologist, and for that I need a lot of theory. regards

mental health

  suffer from anxiety is a mental problem, it is difficult, since you cannot be calm at any time of the day. I suffer from anxiety, and I am somewhat obsessive compulsive with my studies. many times I dream that I am studying and I wake up thinking about concepts. This with the pandemic and the confinement has increased even more in me. because I have no distraction inside my house. After the pandemic is over, I would like to go out and enjoy the outdoors, so that my brain can ventilate and I can face all the stress that is in me with my head cold.

my favorite vacation

  my favorite vacation was 4 years ago, i went all over the south of chile until i arrived to Valdivia, the trip was very long, it took me 10 hours to get there, i was there for 1 week. it was a nice experience that i shared with some friends, with them we went to museums to learn about history, we even visited historical forts that are located in the south of chile, we went by boat, and we had a lot of fun sightseeing. It was the best because it was the first time I went to the south and I loved it, personally I love nature and in the south I could find a lot of nature, I even went through Longaví, and I found it a beautiful place. After that, I could not see my friends anymore, because they are focused on their studies, it was a farewell trip and that makes it so important.